Some invisible work this week. The electrician was in to put in the new sub-panel so all the new circuits in the kitchen can finally be energized.
Our second-choice sink arrived at the dealer on Thursday, so Keenan and I drove over and picked up the pieces that we’ve been waiting for:

A bit more cabinetry came in this week (where ‘this week’ was extended to Monday July 4 to make it feel like more got done on that front this week than really did…)
One of the pantry doors is in place now, and you can see the stainless panels that the architect included to gain a little symmetry with the fridge, and also supposed to make that column look something like a shaker pie safe. I spent yesterday getting the new fridge in order and we’ve started gradually moving things from the old fridge in the basement here upstairs.
Today, one of the upper cabinets by the stove was installed, which is making things seem more real:

Once countertops are in, there will be a white subway tile backsplash beneath each cabinet as well as in the ‘niche’ above the range hood.
This week: need to make an appointment to get the countertops templated and manufactured, so I can someday actually cook something in here.