Composing for Jazz Orchestra | Music and Theater Arts | MIT OpenCourseWare

Composing for Jazz Orchestra | Music and Theater Arts | MIT OpenCourseWare

This class explores composition and arrangement for the large jazz ensemble from 1920s foundations to current postmodern practice. Consideration given to a variety of styles and to the interaction of improvisation and composition. Study of works by Basie, Ellington, Evans, Gillespie, Golson, Mingus, Morris, Nelson, Williams, and others. Open rehearsals, workshops, and performances of student compositions by the MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble and the Aardvark Jazz Orchestra.

Welcome to Cinder

Nice tutorial for the Cinder C++ library for creative coding.

NO BULLSHIT guide to Math and Physics

A new type of textbook

A com­pact text­book that ex­plains cal­cu­lus and me­chan­ics clearly and in­tu­itively.

Calculus and mechanics together

Cal­cu­lus and me­chan­ics are of­ten taught as sep­a­rate sub­jects. It shouldn’t be like that. If you learn cal­cu­lus with­out me­chan­ics, it will be bor­ing. If you learn physics with­out cal­cu­lus, you won’t truly un­der­stand.

By learn­ing both sub­jects in par­al­lel, you will be able to un­der­stand con­cepts much bet­ter.

7/8/12: Roasted Peach


to standard base:

  1. Peel & slice 3 peaches, then roast with a few tablespoons of sugar and a little lemon juice in a 400F oven for 10 minutes or so, until soft.
  2. Puree the peaches until smooth (I got about 3/4 of a cup), then add to the prepared base.
  3. Chill thoroughly & spin.


I should have waited for the peaches I had to ripen more — the taste was not as strongly peachy as I had hoped for. Next time.

6/8/12: Angry Samoans

Angry Samoans.

Cherry Vanilla with Girl Scout ‘Samoas’ cookies blended in. This is my second batch of this one.

Standard base + 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 box Samoas cookies, chopped.


  1. Make a 1:1 simple syrup (boil 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup sugar to dissolve)
  2. Pour syrup over ~1 cup chopped dried bing cherries (got mine from Trader Joe’s)
  3. Chill overnight.

Spin the ice cream, then mix in the cookie pieces and cherries with a little of the syrup as you go.