(Happy 79th birthday to Thomas Ruggles Pynchon).
Too tired to write many words at the moment. This week:
They built the bathroom linen closet cabinet and installed it into its spot in the bathroom.

We visited the cabinetmaker again, and things are progressing more slowly than anyone wants, but we’re really happy with what we’re seeing. The wall of cabinets including the sink, fridge, and pantry are just about ready to stain, and the target is to have them ready to install a week from tomorrow (beginning of week 16).

Tiling in the bathroom is almost complete, after one minor panic when we learned that the architect who placed the tile order cut things short — we were five pieces of tile away from done when there were no more. A trip to Home Depot for some very close matches (please tell me that you can’t tell which of these are not an exact match):

The undone patch in the middle will be filled with two rows of greenish accent tile; they’re being done last because they’re glass and the wet saw needs a different blade. This week: grouting, painting, and (finger x-ed) final plumbing so this bathroom can start being used. Keenan comes home on Wednesday.
As the cherry on top of her mother’s day, Kath decided that what she really wanted to do was start ripping up the carpet in the new dining room, which terrifies me since it’s been over a week without any horrible surprises, so we’re overdue.

We’re hoping that sanding and refinishing will make the floor at least not terrible. I really wish that we had the budget to do another room with the hickory that we have in the kitchen, but the carpenter ants ate that money.
I’m still expecting to pull up carpet on the other half to the room and find a body-shaped blood outline on the floor to explain why they put this carpet down in the first place. Maybe this week.
