A Phrygian king who was condemned to remain in Tartarus, chin deep in water, with fruit-laden branches hanging above his head; whenever he tried to drink or eat, the water and fruit receded out of reach.
It’s starting to feel like the end may be in sight. When I think that, I’m reminded of a work trip to Las Vegas where a group of us decided to walk to the Luxor, which looked to be about a 10 minute walk away from where we were. An hour later we were still walking and it looked exactly the same distance away from us.
Non-renovation things this week for context:
1 – On Wednesday, Kiley and I drove to Syracuse to get Keenan after finishing his first year in college. Ki and I did a quick tour of the ESF and Syracuse campuses while Keenan finished packing, and it ended up being a long but relatively easy one-day round trip.

2 – On Friday night, I chaperoned Kiley’s team at the Relay for Life cancer fundraiser at the high school. 6 PM – 6 AM on the football field with a few hundred high school students. Last year it started pouring around midnight. This year, it started out drizzling, but cleared up by 9 PM.
It was humid and got pretty cold, so by the morning, the fog layer over the tents had condensed on everything; the sleeping bag I was shivering inside ended up damp all the way through by 5 AM when we started to pack up. At my age, trying to spend the night outside suspended between two folding soccer chairs is a poor choice to make.

Back at the House
The upstairs bath is getting close to completion — all that remains is final plumbing installation and things like towel bars, lights, and medicine cabinet. (the plan is that it should be usable tomorrow; fingers x-ed):
We’re trying to make final color selections — one surprise is that the cabinet color that I’ve been 100% sold on for months…. now that I see it on the walls over primer, I’m realizing I have some concerns about, because it seems a little too blueberry for me.
The last bit of work this week was ripping up the rest of the carpet in the new dining room, which was gross work. It’s not clear what we’ll be able to do with the floor, but there’s a lot of neglect and sloppy work (stains, water damage, and bad patch-work, mostly) done by previous owners that’s going to need to be addressed somehow.
- Finishing upstairs bath.
- Priming all the walls downstairs
- Initial cabinet installation (original plan was Monday which definitely won’t happen. Hoping to see them at some point this week.